My usual experience with sellers on tends to be rather pleasant. I’ve bought and sold many things on the forums over the years. And yet, no matter how much you’ve seen, or how much you’ve done in your life, there are always people who can somehow end up surprising you with their ineptitude. There aren’t any pictures in this post, cause I was too pissed off at the time to take any. Suffice to say, it was not a pleasant experience at all.
I first messaged this “TechView” guy on Friday to check if he had stock of the items I was looking for. He did and had pretty good pricing, so I decided to go with him. On Saturday when I was buying all my other parts from C-Zone at Digital Mall, I messaged him on Facebook to see if I could get the parts from him right after. He told me he wasn’t open on Saturday, and asked me to come on Monday. I was a bit unsure about committing to that since it was a working day, so I told him I’d see what I could do.
So I head to this guy’s office in Jaya One on Monday morning after dropping Jo at the station. It’s early, and I have my laptop, so I do some work that I have pending. I’m trudging along, doing my thing, and at 9am I’m getting hungry, so I head into the parking area and move to find his shop. I managed to find it, so I decided to get some food while waiting until he opens for the day. Grabbing a drink from 7-Eleven, I sit in the concourse area and continue doing my work.
At 10am, I move towards his office again. I’m waiting in front of his door for about 10 minutes when I decide text the guy to see if he was coming in for the day. Sometimes not making prior plans can bite you in the ass, but considering he did ask me to come on Monday, I figured it would be fine. That was my mistake. When he didn’t reply by 10.40am, I messaged him again. Only now did he reply, stating “Sorry, got meeting”.
I asked when he would be at the office, and he said that he would be finishing in 30 minutes and coming straight away. I was a little frustrated because my time was being wasted, I was getting hungry, and my phone battery was dying. Lucky for me, there’s a phone charging station at The School @ Jaya One, so I went there, messaged him back that I would be having my lunch, and left my phone for a half hour to charge. After having lunch and doing a little more work, I decided to collect my phone and head there again.
It was around 11.40am, an hour since I messaged this guy, and still no sign of him. As 12pm rolled by, I messaged him again, telling him I had another appointment that I needed to get to, and I needed to leave in 20 minutes. For a few minutes there was no reply, so I called him up and he then tells me he’ll be there in 20 minutes. I was now quite frustrated, because I had already had to blow off some plans with my dad for lunch. I waited a few more minutes when a delivery guy came out the elevator (the TechView “office” is on the third floor), and he asks me “tengah tunggu ke”? I told him I was indeed waiting, and he was like “setiap kali pun macam ni la, ini orang”.
Turns out he does this all the time, he never seems to be there on time, and this guys was just as annoyed as I was. He called this TechView dude, and he said he was on the way. Typical Malaysian excuse. He FINALLY turns up around 12.40pm or so, having asked this delivery guy to meet him downstairs. Even then, we had been waiting down there for a good 10 minutes before he arrived.
After they conclude their business, I ask him “so what about my stuff”? He tells me that he needs to go to the warehouse, cause he was on the way there when the delivery guy called, and rushed straight here. I was doing a mental face palm. I told him that I had to go, cause I was not waiting around any longer for this ass hat, my parking was already at about RM5 by now, and I had other things to do. He had mentioned that he was out meeting another customer this morning, so that got me thinking about delivery being a solution to this shitstorm. So I ask, and he said he could deliver it to me at my condo. I told him, you better give me a good price, and he said he would.
So I head home, send him my address, and finally he arrives at about 1.55pm. I asked him to come in and he tells me the guards won’t let him in. I was cracking my head as to why they wouldn’t let this guy in, so I have to not only go downstairs (which I was planning to anyway) but I now also have to go all the way to the guard house. Turns out this cracker jack didn’t want to give them his driving license. Face palm again. He said he had some bad experience where they lost it. I felt like telling him, have a look at this place, does it look badly managed to you? Furthermore, he was only going to be on the compound for maybe 10 minutes at the most.
Anyway, there was no further discount. I grudgingly paid him, and took my stuff upstairs. That was when I decided I was going to write this post.
The way I see it, the simplest way of working around this stupid ass problem of having stupid ass “working hours” but not actually being there, is by simply saying, PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. Seriously TechView, that’s all you need to do to solve this shit. And on top of that, figure out your damned timing. Waze is a good indicator of how far you might actually be from your destination, among other things. Fix these simple issues, and you won’t have any more fucked up situations like this. If I had not already committed to buying it from you, I would have gone to the other ass hat that I don’t like dealing with (Lingloong), because as annoying as he might be to deal with when making queries about his prices, you can be sure he will meet you on time, at the exact location he gives you.
With that, I end my rant.